After sitting and shmoozing with a guy in a hotel lobby for some time, he got a phone call.
Mistake number one- unless there is a crisis for which you are absolutely needed, the phone should be off. It sends a message if you don't- that you cannot even give someone your undivided attention for a few short hours. If you were with the boss, you would never pick up the phone.)
Moving on. He answers the phone and begins chatting with his friend. Being a chilled out person, this girl didn't mind. And then she heard it.
The friend asked the guy: I have a girl for you, wonna hear about her?
And the guy said: Sure.
The girl is less than five feet away, and hears this. When he gets off the phone, the guy tries to cover it up, not knowing she heard. She said no to another date with him, much to his amazement.
Now, if she were me- here's how my version would have gone:
After he says the word "sure" she calmly gets up from her seat and grabs the closest, most elaborate vase. She would then remove the flowers, save one which she gently hands to him, much to his confusion-phone still in his ear. Then in a swift graceful motion, swing the vase and in the most giving way possible- knock some sense into his head. Relationships are all about the giving, right?
Unbelievable and yet...
I heard this story recently, and if I wouldn't have heard it from a reliable source, I wouldn't believe it at all:
A girl is out with a guy on a date. They are sitting at a table which has candles located on each table. As it turns out, her long curly hair gets a little too close to the fire and before they know what happened, her hair catches a flame. Possibly due to chemicals or ointments in her hair, the fire flares rather quickly.
Now let me just say at this point: there are rare times in a man's life where he can throw a beverage at his date. As we all know, it is usually the other way around. Our friend did not take advantage of this opportunity. ;)
Rather, the lady grabbed her Coke, tossed its entire contents on herself and doused the flames. Looking more like Medusa at this point, she peered at him through her singed, sticky hair and saw his just staring, his mouth agape. No movement whatsoever.
Needless to say, their relationship extinguished.
Be A Gentleman
I heard this story recently:
A guy was driving and didn't know the way as well as he thought and when he asked his date she took a guess and they got a little more lost. No big deal right? You would think at least he would enjoy the fun in getting lost and focus on the company, but no...
He actually guilted her into paying for the toll he had to take because it was "her idea."
Do guys like this really exist?? Fellas, if you have friends like this- help them.